Bid Writing

The training is based on Positive Echo’s 20 year’s experience of developing and submitting bids with an  80 – 90% success rate and contracts won in excess of £20m on behalf of large public sector and educational establishments.

The interactive workshops offer an opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and confidence to write successful bids.

Expert guidance and step by step support to help organisations to understand how to bid for public sector contracts.

Key learning objectives:

  1. Understanding specifications and learn how to tailor your bid
  2. Planning your bid to meet deadlines
  3. Learning how to strengthen bids through language and content
  4. Resource planning
  5. Project costing
  6. Understanding Due diligence processes
  7. Developing your project idea
  8. Understanding social impact
  9. Developing partnerships and the benefits of joint bids
  10. Applying relevant themes: Equality and Diversity, Sustainability, Community Cohesion, Social Value, ROI
  11. Identifying tender opportunties


  1. Improved skills in bid writing
  2. Greater awareness of how to identify public sector bids
  3. Increase confidence in writing innovative and creative
  4. Improve market research skills